Friday, April 25, 2008

For Crying Out Loud!

I spoke too soon I think. It started snowing about 8 o'clock this morning, and it is still snowing. Big thick flakes. If it wasn't so beautiful I think I would be pretty depressed. I brought Raegan to the back door to look at the snow with me, looks like she was having about the same kind of reaction that I was. Cutiepie! Well, maybe we'll get one last day of snowmen and sledding in before springtime.


Marie VW said...

She is so stinkin' cute! I know what you mean about the snow. I was getting all my gardening stuff prepared the last couple of days thinking that I would try get the ground outside ready for a planting. I guess maybe I'll wait til next weekend. sheesh.

Connie Marie said...

Such a beauty!
LOL at Marie's garden plans.
Pray for Dad and the guys as they travel out to Naknek today!