Thursday, October 30, 2008

Homeschooling fun

I have been having such a great time with the boys in homeschool this year. We are doing WinterPromises' American History curriculum and right now we are learning all about the different native American tribes and the different ways of life they had. Part of the curriculum includes making different indian (mini-)dwellings. Check it out! We also have been working on different baskets and things that were made in abundance then. We weaved a basket out of newspaper, made pottery, made a burden basket out of a brown paper bag and accessories, fun stuff. And to keep myself from taking over their projects I 've been making my own samples too! :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dodging balls

Tucker Graham DeLong
Our biggest little man is 8 years old!! His birthday was on September 19th, but Daddy was gone hunting so we had his party on the 27th. We invited some family and friends to come to the AT&T sports complex for games and food. They have a pretty nice set up where you can have private use of one of their courts and a party room. Chris took charge of the games, hence the dodgeball of death game. The boys took turns standing alone on the wall while the other boys had time to take aim and then when given the cue by Chris they fired away. Luckily no one left with big ole welts or bruises....for crying out loud. The boys thought it was great fun! My favorite part was that after it was all over I didn't have to clean my house!! Woo Hoo!
I also heard that the men of the family liked the idea of going to a court as well. Calli told me that this was the first birthday party where Klint was telling her not to be late. Haha! Anyways we all had a lot of fun.