Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter at Grandma and Grandpa's house is so fun! It started with the kids hunting for the eggs that Uncle Kris and Grandpa hid away. All the grandkids love the hunt. I have to say that it was super difficult for me to not "play". I am so competitive, that I am sure some of the kids would have gone home crying because Auntie Karla got all the eggs. So, I stayed back with the other adults, and all the kids were happy. The Easter Egg hunt was followed by good food, and great company.

1 comment:

Connie Marie said...

What a fun time those grandkids make for us all! I loved the day, and loved the ooo's and ahh's coming from behind the big cardboard as they 'fished' for their prizes. haha
Loved that RaeRae got the cuddly lamb.