Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Our biggest little man was baptized on Easter this year. Chris and I had been talking with him for awhile about it, and we really wanted to make sure he knew what it was all about and that he wanted to be baptized because he believed in what he was doing. He stood in the big tub with Pastor Larry and answered the questions that Larry asked so that everyone could hear. We are so filled with joy in his desire to follow Christ.

I wanted to put a video on here but can't figure out how to transfer video from the camcorder yet. Here are some pictures, sorry for the fuzziness, my eyes were a bit blurry at the time and I didn't realize that I was not fully focused. :)

1 comment:

Connie Marie said...

May Christ continue to bless Tucker with the knowledge of Himself. May he be protected from the wiles of the evil one that will try every way possible to remove his trust/believing in Him.

We love you Tucker!