Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Rapture

The kids like to take their clothes off and lay them out like this so that it is easier for them to find what they want to wear the next day. I think it is so funny to be walking around the house after they have gone to bed and find traces of what looks like the rapture happened here and there.
I wonder if that is what it will look like when the rapture happens. Or will our whole bodies be left behind and just our souls taken? I love that little things like this reminds us to be watching, waiting, and hoping on Christ's return.


Sarah said...

Cool thought. I do love the little things that remind us of the eternal home for which we were actually created.
But, ahem...I, for one, believe we'll be raptured with our clothing ON. Don't ya think it'd be a bit chilly without? And embarassing?
And by the way, Chris, I'll give you a call tomorrow with my weekly Costco shopping list. Ha! Just kidding. But that quinoa is calling my name...

Sarah said...

oh, and it's pronounced "keen-wa", in case you're wondering. I know I wondered, until I looked it up...

Connie Marie said...

I like this post.
Cute, cute things the kids do. So funny!