Friday, February 13, 2009

Tucker and Gunner watched Isaac Coke's singing on the Coke Connection and were inspired to make a video themselves. They wouldn't sing but instead opted for a bit of theater. Check it out!Sheer talent, I tell you.


Sarah said...

Sweet theatre skills, guys! I love the theme-intro, Chris! And the Vader sounds really add to the overall feel of the scene. You sure captured the mood of the scene at the end, Tucker, when you dramatically fell to the ground after being struck. We'll be waiting for Part II!!
Thanks for last night, C&K. We had a great time. If girls let you guys smoke your pipes next time, can we do it again, Chris? Please???
(did your kiddos sleep in this morning? Yeah, ours didn't either. Rats.)

Connie Marie said...

Oh those kids and their mispronunciations! Funny.
Cute video boys.