Sunday, July 27, 2008

First Sleep Over

The boys had their first sleepover the other night. Josiah and Isaac spent the night and played the following day. They all stayed up very late watching Star Wars. Our kids have strict bed times even in the summer (mostly a break for us) so this was a very special time for them.

Thankfully the next day brought a rare (very rare this year) glimpse of sun and with it warm weather. The morning started with a water balloon fight....with unbreakable water balloons. Gunner just about got his head taken off 3 times.

After that they all ran through the sprinkler....check out those moves! They also played battle, rode on the toys and played baseball. They had a blast and can't wait to do it again.


Sarah said...

Thanks for the pics, Karla! They had a blast and have talked about it a lot. Our guys also have strict bedtimes, so I agree with your comment that this was indeed special!
They loved the yummy meals you made for them, and of course, the brownies! They both agreed that lunch was their favorite, although after tasting the dinner you made, I think I'd have a hard time deciding!
Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to returning the favor! :-)

Connie Marie said...

Looks like it would have been fun to be a little boy at your house last week!

Marie VW said...

Those are great pictures! The one of Gunner after being nailed by the balloon made me laugh.