Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great time with the Fleckenstein's over Memorial Day weekend. We went camping on the Little Su. The first day it rained almost the whole time. It started to clear up in the evening and then the next day was so beautiful, sunny, no bugs. Awesome. Marie and Matthew came with us and we got to know another family that was there as well, the Dassow's. Both the Fleckensteins and the Dassow's had kids that were the boy's same age so the kids had a really good time playing on the beach and jumping in the waves from the passing boats.

Gunner was Capt. Dan's little sidekick. "Hey, Dan, what are you doing?", "Dan, are you going on the boat?", "Dan, when are you going for a ride", "Hey, Dan, can I touch the boat?", "Dan are you eating?" Sorry if Gunner was a bit obnoxious Dan, but Gunner just loves you!


Connie Marie said...

Well I see Gunner let you take a picture... Marie told me he was not cooperative with her attempts. It's fun to see your slant of the camping trip too. Glad you guys are having a fun spring and game time too. Love you.

Connie Marie said...

hey where is your meme?