Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We have eliminated fighter pilot from Calvin's career choices.

We traveled to Newport for our Memorial Day.  We visited the Ripley's Believe It Or Not museum where they had a bridge that went through a rotating tunnel.  The tunnel was painted and lit up to look like a starry night.  The tunnel spun quickly and gave an optical illusion that you too were spinning.  Calvin went through and turned around to watch us come after him.  As he stood at the end of the tunnel looking back he began to lean until he got to about a 45 degree angle before realizing he was falling.  I'm not sure what tipped him off; it might have been that he began to feel gravity on one side of his face, or his eye spotted the now perpendicular handrail, or his upright parents; regardless when he reached a 45 degree lean his legs sprung into action.  He launched himself head first into the handrail.  He did cry but it was so funny Karla and I couldn't stop laughing. Tucker was appalled that we would laugh after Calvin incurred yet ANOTHER head injury, but seriously..... if you saw this little brown eyed boy looking up at you and start to slowly lean to to his left before jumping sideways- you'd laugh too.

This kid is a magnet for head injuries.  Of course there was the rock slide where he had a few, but once before that he ran to the front door to greet me home and as I opened the door, BAMM! His skin split open in the middle of his forehead (you can slightly see that scar in the picture below).  This baseball season (btw, Calvin wasn't even in baseball, he was a spectator) he got whacked 3 times in the head with a ball.  Once, he was just walking in the middle of a group of adults and as he walked through some kid threw a ball OVER the dug out and it hit Calvin smack center in the top of his head.  Another time I arrived at one of Tucker's games late and Calvin came running over to give me a hug.  With arms stretched out he gets flattened by a ball to the side of the head.  And look at the unicorn horn he has below.  He said he was jumping on his bed and fell on the corner.  Good thing we have good insurance.


Unknown said...

Nice blog and very interesting posts.

man and van in London

Marie said...

Oh! Poor Calvin!!!

Daisy at Shoppingkool said...

It's a pity that such a cute little boy got hurt.

Connie Marie said...

Awww poor guy! We always put crisco on the kids big bumps like that, they never bruised... and it made them feel better. Love you Calvin!

cctv karachi said...

It was such a pleasure reading it. I have bookmarked it and I will show it to my friend, she is a huge fan of this subject.

Katy said...

hope hes okay

Ayala Westgrove Heights said...

oh.. hope Calvin is okay... :(

- Lanie