Monday, July 27, 2009

July 2009

I can't believe we are at the end of July already! Summer goes by way to fast. The boys finished up baseball. They were on a really good team this year and Mom and Dad were very proud of their skills on the field. You can really see the difference in their personalities during a game. Tucker is all seriousness. He wants to make sure everyone is playing fair. He happens to be a really good hitter too. I like it when, before he steps inside the batters box, he points at his teamates who are on base and tells them that when he hits the ball to run home. It is not "if" he hits the ball, it is "when" he hits the ball. Ha!
Gunner definately takes time to smell the roses, or grass, in the outfield..and practice his dance moves now and then. But when he got to play 3rd base, he was all about stopping those grounders. This was his first year not playing T-ball and he did great. Should have heard his mom and dad whooping it up when he would hit the ball at his turn up to bat!


Sarah said...

Way to go, DeLong Boys!! You look great, Tucker and Gunner! And Karla, I love the pics of the two of them together. And the expression on Gunner's face is priceless. Thanks for sharing...

Marie said...

I love the picture of them walking away with their arms around each other. Great shot!

Connie Marie said...

I love both of those personalities! Good job out there guys.