Friday, September 12, 2008

Fall Hunting

This is Chris again. After a long winter those spring days are hard to beat, however in my opinion the fall days of September hunting with some of my boys are the best days Alaska has to offer. I took Tucker and Calvin up to Baldie again- same place where we camped on the 4th of July. I know the chances of me bagging a moose with two little ones is unlikely, but that's not why I go with them. At home I feel like I compete for my kids' attention and they mine, but on Baldie with nothing else to distract them being a father is easier.

Tucker made a moose call from a stick and a piece of fire wood and Calvin..... I'm not sure what he did except have fun. We were only there for about 3 hours; we didn't see a moose, but did see some good bear tracks.


Marie VW said...

Cool pictures, and that one of Calvin is so funny, the one too of Calvin spotting Tucker in his binoculars. Cute kids.

Connie Marie said...

Where's Gunner?

DeLong House said...

Gunner was at home with momma. :)